“Working hand in hand to achieve potential”

Kipling's Routine

We meet when school finishes at 3.30pm to gather for the greeting, complete the register and discuss the evening’s activities.

Activity time or club time varies each evening offering a choice and also a sensory activity. Some children will choose to join the club and others will play their own games in the play room or bedroom. Reading and homework time is also offered.

Children are always given a choice of what they would like to do.  The evening clubs change each term after consultation with the children. The school council plays a big part within Kipling’s supporting ideas that the children have.

The children are encouraged to join in an active fun transfer to tea and take turns with small tasks, giving out flannels and mats for the children to use.

Then it’s time for Tea!

This is when the children practise self-help skills whilst eating and drinking, and it’s a social time as we all sit down together to discuss our day. The children are encouraged to make choices from the menus offered and are involved in discussing and choosing ideas for future menus choices.

After tea there are various club activities. This is also an opportunity for children to continue to practice skills learnt in school and develop their independence. There is also time for play and reading. Res 1 children will then be collected for home. Res 2 children choose a bath or shower in preparation for supper and bedtime. Parents and carers are welcome to call their child if they wish and children may call home.

Towards the end of the evening at supper time there is a variety of hot/cold drinks are available.  We also celebrate our achievements and discuss what we have enjoyed about the evening with stickers and stars followed by the star of the night song as the children prepare for bed.

We have a resident tooth fairy Tinkerbelle who accompanies a child if they have lost a tooth overnight. The evening concludes with a story in bed.

Staff communicate through Seesaw to share the evening’s events with parents and carers.

For the children who stay for Tea, club and afterschool activities parents come to collect at 6.30 pm for home.

The following morning the children work on independence and practice skills with personal care, getting washed and dressed, they pack their belongings and get ready to meet their friends for the morning greeting. Once everyone has said good morning it’s time for breakfast and helping hands tasks. The children and staff come together to recall the events of the stay and share achievements with superstars certificates. There is always time for an activity, story or class preparation before its time to go to class. The staff from class come along to help with transition to class taking their news with them to share in class.