“Working hand in hand to achieve potential”

School Values and Ethos

Our Mission Statement

“Working hand in hand to achieve potential”

This is achieved through the following whole school H.O.R.T.O.N values:

Happiness – We believe that happy people learn and grow. Memories are made at Horton Lodge

Opportunities – We provide opportunities to develop meaningful knowledge and skills so that everyone can be the best that they can be.

Respect – Every person is treated with dignity and respect. Everyone is listened to and given a way to make their voice heard.

Teamwork – We work hand in hand to strive for the best outcomes.

One of a kind – We celebrate the unique offer of our school and the contribution of every individual.

Nurture – We nurture relationships and friendships providing the foundations for a happy and fulfilled life.


Our Aims

  • To provide interventions, skills and experiences that promotes learning for all; championing the Conductive Education ethos
  • To provide a community where each individual is valued and makes a positive contribution to the school, local and wider community
  • To ensure that every stakeholder has a voice that is listened to and influences the provision for individuals and groups
  • To provide a safe environment where pupils can thrive, take risks, build relationships and friendships, and generalise their skills across a range of contexts
  • To ensure that pupils are prepared for their next stage in life; developing independence, resilience and personality, and an enjoyment of all that life has to offer

School Development Plan

School Development Plan 23-24